Too often, learning fades into the fog. I sat in reflection at a conference recently, taking my notes on the golden nuggets of knowledge that the speaker was sharing. As they exited the stage, I was suitably impressed that I’d had so many ‘aha’ moments in such a short space of time. 

Then it faded. 


❌We don’t tell tales or stories to connect what we’ve learned to others and what they’ve learned or know about the same subject. 

❌We don’t recycle and reuse old learning for new purposes, spinning static lessons into beautiful blooms. 

❌We don’t get curious enough and get lost in the mystery or the wonderful places of others’ minds that we may visit. 

❌We don’t use emotional arousal enough and connect stories with bliss, joy, awe, and ecstasy. 

❌We don’t use emotional arousal enough and connect stories with bliss, joy, awe, and ecstasy. 

❌We don’t use emotional arousal enough and connect stories with bliss, joy, awe, and ecstasy. 

❌We don’t notice the value of repetition and how it can aid memory.

❌We don’t remix our learning and build in eureka, rhythm and texture.

❌We don’t go rogue or maverick and gather like a nucleus of nomads to share our insight. 

❌We don’t have enough fun and embrace our goofdom to play a little more to help learning stay. 

❌We don’t have a sustainable tool that grows with each conversation. 

✅Oh wait, we do? 

That’s why I developed Cognitize. A deck of 52 cards of limitless learning. All beautifully crafted, curated and created to help learning stick. Heads over to to learn more.

If you were lucky enough to live near Belfast, I also hosted two FREE learning events in December (2022) to show you how Cognitize can fight the fog of learning loss. 

I’ll showed case studies of organisations who’ve embedded our cards. Demonstrated practical & simple examples of how you can apply them to your business. We got involved with your host – my good self, and fellow attendees and generated a stack of ideas, insights & solutions.

Watch out for UK-wide 2023 dates to follow soon. 

Cognitize – Learn, Share, Grow, Repeat

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